For Application of certificate:
1. If student submits the application form within 1 month after the completion of program, the certificate will be issued for free.
2. If student submits the application form 1 - 3 months after the completion of program, there will be a charge of HK$50 of admin fee.
3. If student submits the application form 3 - 6 months after the completion of program, there will be a charge of HK$300 of admin fee.
4. The School will not accept application for certificate after 6 months under normal practice.
The Collection of Certificate
1. If student collects certificate within 3 months after notification, there will be no charge at all.
2. If student collects certificate within 3 to 6 months after notification, there will be a charge of HK$300 of admin fee.
3. If student collects certificate within 6 months to 1 year after notification, there will be a charge of HK$500 of admin fee.
4. If student collects certificate within 1 to 5 years after notification, there will be a charge of HK$800 of admin fee.
5. After 5 years of notification, the Academy will issue the Attendance Proof at the cost of $400.